
Madmagz Education: A New Goal

Oral communication, teamwork, cultural and civic intelligence, critical thinking, persistence, leadership: these soft skills which blend competencies and qualities are considered by experts¹, parents, teachers, employers and last but not least students² alike to be just as important as foundational literacies³ in order to evolve in this day and age where continuous learning is always required.

The challenge of today is creating the society and economic leadership of tomorrow.

How can these competences and qualities be taught? Teaching means transferring, evaluating4, and recognizing.

Education worldwide, in both the public and private sector, falls short of responding to this. What we need is a joint effort that reaches everyone everywhere. Teachers, parents, and students are left to go it alone. The education sector, for lack of ambition, audacity, understanding, or interest, has abandoned them.

The web app by Madmagz Education, which makes it possible to collaboratively create magazines, has not done much better.

For the past five years, we have been dedicated to education. 20,000 school magazines have been created by over 500,000 teachers and students from 60 different countries around the world.

Each issue is the result of shared adventures, initiatives, communication, curiosity, media and digital education, links within and outside institutions, talent recognition, and pride to have created a valuable commodity for the community.

There are also other ways to teach: eradicating subject silos for an interdisciplinary approach, educational methods for project management, collective learning, kinesthetic learning, etc.

Our role was just to give you the tool to get there.

However, we’ve decided to change this.

We strive to be from now on your go-to teaching tool for foundational literacies as well as competencies5 and qualities6​ of the 21st century. We strive to be this for students, teachers, parents, educational organizations, and professionals alike. We strive to be this in France and worldwide.

We’ve just begun.

We have a new graphic identity and motto which speaks for itself: Let’s Learn Together. Our new website is also up. The complete renovation of our application now offers new and exciting possibilities, such as integrating games into each project. Our goal is to launch at least the pilot next year.

We’ve met with entrepreneurs, Ministry of National Education inspectors, teachers, educational publishers, investors, and researchers to share and exchange. These meetings have prompted various unique initiatives in France and, I’m happy to say, around the world. You’ll see these initiatives being implemented in the upcoming months.

But we can’t do it alone.

But we can’t do it alone. We are looking for:

  • new team members: a marketing director and a web developer
  • reference content creators (publishers, organizations, etc.) to co-create innovative learning scenarios
  • consultants to establish a board of scientists, educators, and entrepreneurs with experience within the United States…
  • investors: we must raise funds in the first half of 2020
  • teachers to test and help us create tools.

Let’s rise to this ambitious and fascinating challenge and let’s give everyone the means to learn the knowledge and skills needed for the 21st century. 

1 We are particularly fond of the World Economic Forum 2015 study: New Vision for Education.
2 I understand “student” to be anyone that is learning, whether that be child, teenager, or adult.
3 Literacy, Numeracy, Scientific Culture, Digital Intelligence, Financial Intelligence, Cultural and Civic Intelligence (op. cit.).
4 In my opinion, “evaluation” is a tool to help either student or teacher improve their learning.
5 Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Teamwork (op. cit.).
6 Curiosity, Initiative, Persistence, Adaptability, Leadership, Social and Cultural Awareness (op. cit.).

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